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John Maurer's special recital for the Fredericksburg community - culminating in the world premiere of Fantasie of Passage - took place on Saturday, May 28th, 2016 at 5:00pm. We want to thank everyone who came out and supported the event!


                                                                                           On behalf of John Maurer - the commissioner for this new                                                                                            piece and my business partner for the Fredericksburg                                                                                                  Brass Institute Fundraiser - I'd like to extend my deepest                                                                                              and most heartfelt thanks for your interest in a project that                                                                                            we both are extremely passionate about. The money                                                                                                    raised between now and this year's institute will be used                                                                                              to help send Fredericksburg-area musicians to the                                                                                                        institute's location in Massachussetts this August, so that                                                                                              the institute can still support and enrich music in                                                                                                            Fredericksburg until it returns to Fredericksburg the                                                                                                      following summer. By supporting this fundraiser, know                                                                                                  that you are supporting the enrichment and welfare of                                                                                                  music education and its role in our communities as a                                                                                                    catalyst for comprehensive child development.


     How To Participate:

      Donate $25 using the PayPal button to the right, which says "donate".

        Want to donate more than $25? Send your donation to with the "send" button at Then send an email to the same address to confirm the nature of the donation.

  • Send an email to if you wish to explore an alternate means of donating money.

  • The first $150 raised supports the commissioning fee to write the piece (At this time, this amount has already been reached!!!); 100% OF ALL SUBSEQUENT DONATIONS will go directly to the support of the Fredericksburg Brass Institute until the 2016 Institute takes place, followed by 40% after the Institute.

  • For your $25 donation, you will receive:

    • Your own personal copy of Fantasie of Passage for trumpet/flugelhorn and piano, which I will personally send as PDF's after John's world premiere performance on May 28th, 2016.

    • An mp3 recording of the piece, which John will send after his world premiere performance.

    • Your name included in the score as a supporter of the fundraiser (this has passed, since the concert has passed and the piece is now being distributed).

    • Rights - if you choose - to your own exclusive regional premiere following John's World Premiere

  • Supporters may be publicly announced on social media (Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram) and thanked for their support by John or myself, unless they request to remain anonymous.



We greatly appreciate your contribution!

Remember: Your donation supports the Fredericksburg Brass Institute!



Read about the premise behind the new piece "Fantasie of Passage" by clicking here.






                                                                                                                               "...a top-notch player..."


                                                                                                                                   "...full of heart..."


                                                                                                                               "his tone is gorgeous..."


                                                                                                                     "...doesn't fear artistic boundaries..."


                                                                                                                       "...a rare and stunning musician."







     John Maurer is quickly being recognized as a

new "exhilerating, very versatile trumpet performer"

(Jose Sibaja, Boston Brass) and educator.

Originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, John

graduated as the trumpet graduate assistant at the

Pennsylvania State University with his master's

degree in Trumpet Performance as well as

receiving his bachelor's degree in Music Education

with a concentration in Trumpet Performance from

Millersville University of Pennsylvania. John had

the honor of studying under such trumpet players

as Larry Davidson, Dr. Langston J. Fitzgerald III,

Rex Richardson, Chris Jaudes, Dr. N. Keith Wiley,

Jose Sibaja and Wynton Marsalis. [...]




Read the full biography and acclaim about John Maurer on his website.




What's the buzz about the Fredericksburg Brass Institute? Visit their website to find out!

The Fredericksburg Brass Institute was founded by Buddy Deshler and Austin Boyer.




                                                                                                                      "Utilizing a resident faculty and a rotating roster of                                                                                                                         nationally and internationally recognized guest                                                                                                                               artists, FredBrass fosters achievement and                                                                                                                                     growth  in its students while building community                                                                                                                           support for instrumental music."


                                                                                                                      "Everyone deserves the experience of being                                                                                                                                    surrounded by world-class, inspirational music                                                                                                                              making. "  - Austin Boyer; Founder and Director:                                                                                                                            Fredericksburg Brass Institute


                                                                                                                     "At FBI, the faculty lead by example [...] everybody's                                                                                                                        playing for each other and inspiring each other to                                                                                                                          play, because music is about creating something                                                                                                                          together."  - Dr. Derek Ganong; Trumpet Faculty:                                                                                                                            Fredericksburg Brass Institute


                                  Photo Credit: Joshua Cruse




*Note: Marcus Grant and John Maurer are independent music entrepreneurs and freelance musicians and do not work as part of the Fredericksburg Brass Institute's annual resident staff. Thoughts, beliefs, and philosophical outlooks of each individual do not necessarily reflect those of the Fredericksburg Brass Institute, or vice versa.




A Huge Thanks Goes Out For Donations Received From The Following People (Last Updated June 3rd, 2016):



















Scroll back to the top to make your donation!


PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Ian Bainbridge


Jim Young


Robert Tindle


Kari Hostetter


Mark Davis


William Baker


Kevin Celata


Lorna Woodside



Pat Shaner


Matthew Koveal


Lisa Claypoole


Kevin Gebo


Nathan Forrest


Rex Richardson


Mary Bowden


Steven Bailey

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